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PLYMOUTH 01752 664546 
EXETER 01392 499843 
ST AUSTELL 01726 72765 
Plymouth 01752 664546 
Exeter 01392 499843 

Wants Opened it's Doors In 1969...... Kind Of 

We actually had a shop on Notte Street on The Barbican for a year first, between 1968 & 1969 called The Bizarre Bazaar. 
Wants The Gold Centre in 1996
Alan Horton created Wants in 1969, named as such because we sell things that people want, as opposed to need. (Pictured here in our Cornwall Street branch in the early 80's - a shop we had between 1978 and 1984).  
Old Picture Of Plymouth City Centre
The name Wants came about when we opened our third premises under the railway line in 1972, on Union Street. (Pictured here in 1974).  
Historic Pictures Of Plymouth
Market Way, our fourth shop, opened in 1974. This is oldest photo we have, taken a year after opening in 1974. (Pictured 1975).  
The Gold Centre In Plymouth
In 1990 we took over Radio Parts, here it is next to Market Way over 10 years before that. (pictured together circa 1979).  
Wants Market Way
It's not all hard work, here is Roger playing around in the Market Way Jewellery window (Pictured circa 1985).  
Jewellery Shop In Plymouth
This is John, the son of Alan and the current Managing Director of the company (Pictured here in the Market Way Window Circa 1986).  
Plymouth In 1975
The Market Way Music Section circa 1986 - looking much like it does today! although in those days you could still see the wall behind.  
Plymouth Party Photos
In 1984 we moved from Cornwall Street to New George Street and opened our Gold Centre Branch (pictured here shortly after opening).  
Technology in the 90's
We finally branched out and opened our first shop outside of plymouth! Our Exeter shop opened in 1993 and is still in the same location today. (pictured here in 2023) 
Old Photo Of Plymouth
In 1995 we opened in Frankfort Gate, this is one of the many times Dave from London Camera Exchange next door would pop in "for a chat" (Pictured circa 2006) 
Plymouth Music Shops
In 2014 we opened our St Austell branch. This branch has the highest percentage of bearded employees with a staggering 100%! This is also the first of our shops to offer a pawnbroking service. (Pictured here in 2022) 
Plymouth in the early 2000's
In 2016 we opened our Armada Way branch, moving both our Frankfort Gate branch and our Radio Parts Branch into one much bigger shop. (Pictured here in 2021) 
And now, you're pretty much up to date. That's not including hundreds of great staff members, thousands of great customers and millions of wild and interesting items bought and sold! 
shop comedy
The Gold Centre Jewellery counter pictured in 1993 
Guitar Shops In Plymouth
Closing Market Way for Mikes leaving do (he's back now) Circa 2006 
Shop Under The Train Like Plymouth Union Street
The Gold Centre (pictured circa 1992) 
Armada Way music section pictured 2020, still with the largest selection of instruments in the Westcounty. 
Here's Helen, the manageress of Exeter with her assistant for the day....  
John Horton wearing some very *stylish* glasses (Pictured circa 1990) 
A very dark picture of Exeter answering the telephone 
Wants in the Gold Centre Circa 1984 
The Gold Centre christmas circa 1984 
Market Way Window 1980 "if you want it dear, you shall have it...." 
Another View of our shop under the train line in 1974 
Wants in the Gold Centre Circa Christmas 1995 
Back when we used to keep our bikes out on the street! (Frankfort Gate in 1996, those were the days...) We now have an indoor display in Armada Way for those who prefer to shop in the dry.